Monday, November 3, 2008

One Giant Leap For Kallie

Today was a huge success for Kallie and I and I am so happy and so proud! When I walked out into the paddock today, equipped with my 12’ line and my halter Kallie turned and faced me and waited for me. She has never done this, the whole time I have had her, granted she has been getting better day by day but today was HUGE for both of us. She didn’t try to canter, trot or walk off; she just stood there and waited!

So after lots of treats and rubbing we proceeded to try out the Weave pattern and she did it perfectly. I just had to point my finger, extend the rope and she followed the feel perfectly, in and out, around the poles no hesitation, no resistance on the rope it was flawless. We then proceeded to do some Sideways Game and she was side passing three-four steps at a time without hesitation or confusion. Next we worked on some leading work, moving forward when I move forward; backing up when I back up turning her body away from me when I walked into her space by respecting mine.

I unfortunately didn’t have a whole lot of time so with more Friendly Game we ended it for the day. After work, and after everyone was happily munching on their hay I went out with Kallie and we had some undemanding time, I just stood beside her and scratched her withers and she loved it! She allowed herself to relax enough to actually enjoy the human contact, she would lean into my fingertips, her lips were moving in every direction possible and she let out a few amusing grunts. When my fingers were numb from scratching I stopped, gave her a kiss on the cheek and walked away and she followed me out of the paddock!! So needless to say today was a wonderful day for Kallie and I! And our relationship continues to move towards the next level!

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