Monday, December 8, 2008

Moving Day

Well today I woke up and looked out my window to see that the fence line was practically lying on the ground thanks to the 10-25 mm of ice rain followed by almost a foot of snow! The fence by the house was in much better shape then the fence up the road. So Andrew and I climbed onto the tractor, and drove down the road with the feed for the five up there and some hay. When we got there we weren’t surprised to see that the fence was pretty much non-existent due to all the extra weight it was bearing. And pleasantly surprised that everyone was still in where they should be!

We hummed and hawed about what we should do, I was ready to go back to the house and start walking them back to the house in pairs, but then Andrew suggested we let them follow the tractor with the hay on the trailer. I wasn’t too sure if that was going to work, but once they all spotted the hay they were more then willing to follow along behind.

Chance and Dessi took a few detours on the way back, Andrew drove slowly while I walked behind everyone to ensure they didn’t detour too far and we made it back to the house with no real trouble. It didn’t take long to move everyone into the paddock with Blue, Kallie and Lexi. This wasn’t exactly what was planned for the introductions of the two herds. Granted everyone had met before except for Kallie, Ripley and Storm. All in all it was uneventful, Kallie let out a few squeals and lifted her hind end towards Chance, while Lexi ran around bucking and rearing at any of the horses from up the road – even her own mother and “surrogate” father.

I’m very happy to have everyone next to the house, will certainly make my life a bit easier, once everyone gets into a good routine for going in the feeding stalls anyways.

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