Monday, December 15, 2008

The Good Fight Continues!

After feeding the horses I set off with my rubber curry comb, blue bristled hard brush and shedding blade. It was time to work on getting as many of the rain rot scabs as I could off of Kallie, we had actually had a few dry days so they had had a chance to dry out and were itching to come off (literally!). Kallie stood at liberty as I proceeded to curry the heck out of her hair, then brush any dirt off her coat that had come to the surface, and followed up with the shedding blade which worked awesome for brushing the scabs off. I then went and got the betadine solution that I had mixed and sprayed all over her withers, back, rub and a few spots on her neck. Let it sit and soak in while I fed her treats and talked to her before I scrapped even more scabs off with the shedding blade.

Kallie was licking and chewing most of the time or really leaning into the shedding blade. At the end of this little session she got a yummy stud muffin as a reward. She was perfect!

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